Thursday, November 5, 2009

How How @ 23 Months

Time flies! My little boy will be celebrating his 2nd birthday in a month time.

This picture was taken on the day he was discharged from the hospital. We stayed in the hospital for 2 days for further monitoring even though it was a natural birth as he has hypoglycemia.

this picture was taken on my birthday. Noticed that he likes to pose like this every time I take a pciture of him

...see a similar one below.....

He has been really "talkative" lately. Hubby is quite amazed at the pace that he picks up words and sentences (yes, he can speak in sentences now). Thanks to his jie jie (sister) who has been keep talking to him while he was a baby!

He recognized quite a few words and numbers from 1-10. He talks a lot until mummy couldn't stand him talking sometimes ...hahaha

And it is always nice to have him accompany mummy in the morning before rascal no. 1 comes home from playschool!

He's using only 1 diaper a day and sometimes 2 when we went out shopping. But most of the time, his diaper is dry even we went for a few hours shopping because he'll like to wee wee in the toilet.

This cheeky boy is also a clean freak because he wants his pant to be changed whenever it is slightly wet. The same goes to my lil Missy too. So, you can imagine how many underwear I've to wash each day. Lately, I just dumped the kids' clothes into washing machine instead of hand washing them which I used to do before.

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